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22nd September 2021 | Press Releases

Update on the Acuiti Derivatives Insight Report

This month we retire the Acuiti Derivatives Insight Report to replace it with a series of quarterly reports focused on specific company types.

We launched the Derivatives Insight Report in April 2019 as our first report and have produced a report each month since then analysing global revenue trends, sentiment across the industry and attitudes to industry events and challenges.

Our purpose at Acuiti is to provide transparency into operations, trends and challenges across the global market. We do that by giving members of our network a platform to share information anonymously in order to provide honest insights and valuable benchmarks.

Based on feedback from our network of over 3000 Senior Executives from across the global derivatives market, we think this purpose is better served by more granular reports focused on specific company types than a single monthly report.

Therefore, next quarter we will launch our first two reports: a report focused on Proprietary Trading Firms and one on Heads of Trading at Asset Managers. We will follow that up with a report for the sell-side in Q1 2022 and are in consultation with other areas of the market to launch further reports in 2022.

Each quarterly report will benchmark sentiment and approaches to industry challenges and opportunities specific to that market. While some sections will be similar each quarter, the aim of the report is to capture views on a wide range of topics across the market in a timely fashion. The interactive reports will also enable members of each network to input questions and gauge the opinion and attitudes of their peers to questions and topics pertinent to them.

One of the main functions of the Insight Report was to measure revenue growth across the market. However, our view, based on feedback from members, became that the basic measurements we used in the Insight Report had become too vague to be of real value to our members – more interesting than valuable was common feedback that we had.

Therefore, we have developed a new data-sharing tool that we will use to measure P&L in a more granular way between peers. This will be rolled out in 2022. In addition, we will be using the data-sharing tool to conduct salary and operations benchmarks.

When we launched the Derivatives Insight Report back in 2019, we always viewed it as the skin we would eventually shed as the business grew and developed. That time has come, and we are very excited about the potential for the new report format and look forward to discussing where we can take it with our network over the coming months.

We firmly believe at Acuiti that opacity over commoditised areas of the business model of our members from operations to regulatory change holds back growth and slows down firms’ ability to overcome common challenges. We continually strive to increase transparency and give you greater insight over your business operations. We look forward to continuing that in the next phase of Acuiti’s growth.